Where Does Caffeine Come From And What Plants Contain Caffeine?

August 10, 2022

You've probably seen others claim there are about 60 plants containing caffeine. Many say so. But nobody seems to be able to provide a full list of these plants. I tried to find a full list of plants with caffeine, without any luck. Whether a list of these plants exists or others count some of the hundreds of subvariants, I don't know. But here is the full list of plants containing caffeine - that I've collected.


Plants containing caffeine:

  1. Yerba Mate
  2. Cassina - Yaupon
  3. Guayusa
  4. Paulliania cupana - Guarana
  5. Cola nitida
  6. Cola acuminate
  7. Huito Jagua
  8. Theobroma cacao - Cocoa
  9. Camellia ptilophylla - Cocoa
  10. Camellia irrawadiensis - Cocoa
  11. Camellia sinensis - Tea
  12. Camellia assamica - Kucha
  13. Camellia taliensis
  14. Camelia kissi
  15. Paulliniayoco - Yoco
  16. Té o’ maté
  17. Species of lemon trees (flowers)
  18. Species of orange trees (flowers)
  19. Species of grapefruit trees (flowers)
  20. Coffea arabica - Coffee
  21. Coffea canephora Robusta - Coffee
  22. Coffea liberica - Coffee
  23. Coffea canephora Guarini - Coffee
  24. Coffea dewevrei - Coffee
  25. Coffea eugenioides - Coffee
  26. Coffea salvatrix - Coffee
  27. Coffea racemosa - Coffee
  28. Coffea kianjavatensis - Coffee

If you want to learn more about the benefits of caffeine, read the post below where we talk about all the benefits and bad side effects

Read More Here

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