How Coffee Can Boost Your Brain

Cold Brew Wellness Shots - Humblemaker Coffee

Boost Your Brain With Coffee

Did you know coffee has brain-boosting abilities? 

It's true! Coffee can boost your memory, help against cognitive decline, and protect your brain's blood vessels.

Let me explain how three cups of coffee a day keeps the doctor away.

Over the years, coffee has been the subject of several studies, and they've taught us what the coffee bean contains and how coffee can affect us.

Like how it may stimulate the brain and help stabilize the blood-brain barrier, protect against free radicals and brain blood vessel blockage. It's all thanks to caffeine, polyphenol, and trigonelline.

Caffeine - increases serotonin and acetylcholine, which can potentially stimulate the brain and help the blood-brain barrier stabilize.

Polyphenol - can protect against free radicals and brain-blood vessel blockage.

Trigonelline - the high concentration found in coffee may activate antioxidants, thus may protect the brain's blood vessels.

One study conducted during ten years showed that less than 400mg of caffeine would get you the most out of your coffee. Three cups per day were the magic number to get the highest amount of benefits.

Maximize coffee benefits with a few simple steps.

1. Listen to your body

We're all different and respond differently to coffee. Tune in to your body and get a sense of how much coffee is the perfect amount for you to feel great.

2. Good routines

There's nothing like a good habit to keep you on the right track. Start each day with a good routine that makes you happy and healthier at the same time. A milk latte with a cold brew shot will do wonders for you. Pick the one with the desired wellness to boost your day!

3. Keep the sugar away

Stay away from the processed sugar-packed drinks from the typical coffee shops. The processed coffee options and the sugary ones are terrible for your gut and brain's health.

Make your coffee at home by mixing unsweetened milk/coconut milk and a cold brew shot with added wellness ingredients. Or mix it with brewed coffee, some cinnamon, and a drop of vanilla for extra health benefits.

Don't want to brew yourself? Pick a good coffee shop and swing by one of ours; Seal Beach or Ventura!

Get some cold brews and start your new healthy habit.

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